What are the check-in/check-out time?
Is the unit pet friendly?
Is it suitable for children?
What amenities are provided in the units?
Is there braai facilities?
Is the Unit serviced daily:
What amenities are provided in the units?
Is there braai facilities?
Is the Unit serviced daily:
How close is Ginger Lake from the beach?
Is there kayaking close by?
Is there any restaurants/coffee shops nearby?
How close is Ginger Lake from the beach?
Is there kayaking close by?
Is there any restaurants/coffee shops nearby?
Is there a Gym or Health Spa nearby?
Is there secure, enclosed parking on the premises?
What is the payment and cancellation policy?
Is there a Gym or Health Spa nearby?
Is there secure, enclosed parking on the premises?
What is the payment and cancellation policy?